Life history of Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SM) from birth to death. Who is the best people in the world

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Who is the best people in the world

The best people in the world Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SM)

Life history of Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SM)

Before the birth of Prophet Hazrat Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, the Arab country was very chaotic, full of various vices, immorality, adultery, fornication, lying, murder, robbery, drinking and gambling. Injustice-crime, conflict-conflict all the time, terror-mongering, despair and crying all around. At that time it was called the Jahiliyyah era. At that time, Hazrat Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, appeared as a messenger of freedom from all this.

The Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (sm) was born on Monday 12 Rabiul Awal in the year 570 in the Bani Hashim clan of the Quraish tribe of Makkah. It is mainly located in Saudi Arabia.

 There are many disputes about the year of birth of the world prophet Hazrat Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. Some say he was born in 571. Some say he was born in 570.

The Quraysh clan was one of the richest clans at that time. And he was born in the Quraysh clan.

His father’s name is Abdullah and his mother’s name is Amina. His father died before his birth. Then when he was 6 his mother died. After the death of his mother, his grandfather Abdul Mottaleb took over. But he did not live for long, he also died after 2 years. After that, his uncle Abu Taleb took over the responsibility of the prophet Hazrat Muhammad (sm).

It was a custom at that time. The custom was that one tribe would send their children to another tribe. Children spent their childhood in other tribes. After a certain period when they grew up they were brought. Infants had a nurse. The name of Prophet Muhammad’s foster mother was Halima bint Abu Zuaib. He accepted the responsibility of Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SM) at the age of only 8 days.

After prophet Hazrat Muhammad came to Halima’s house, her family’s financial prosperity returned. Basically it was a great blessing of Allah Ta’ala. It is narrated that at that time all the sheep and goats of Halima started giving more milk. Halima understands this.

Baby prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SM) used to drink milk from one breast of his nurse Halima. He would never put his mouth on another breast. He would leave it for his foster brother.

After nearly two years of nursing, Halima gave the baby prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SM)back to his mother Amina.

Halima wanted to get the baby prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SM) back. Shortly after the baby Hazrat Muhammad (sm) came to his mother Amina, an epidemic started in the city of Makkah. So baby Muhammad (sm) was sent back to Halimah. After this a miracle happened. A part of the liver of the child Muhammad (sm) was cut open and washed in Zamzam well water and placed back in its proper place. This incident is known as the incident of Sina Chak in the history of Islam.

Soon after this incident, the baby prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SM) was returned to Amina. He spent his 6 years with his mother.

His mother Amina wants to go to Medina after that. Perhaps at a relative’s house and to visit his father’s grave. Aminah was accompanied by her father-in-law, son and maidservant Umm Ayman. They traveled about 500 kilometers to reach Makkah.

Then after completing the grave pilgrimage and other activities, they left for Makkah. On the way, Amina fell ill. His mother died at a place called Arwa. After that, his grandfather Abdul Motaleb took over all the responsibilities of Prophet Muhammad. When he was only 8 years old, his grandfather and uncle died. After that, his uncle Abu Taleb took over all his responsibilities.

And Abu Taleb was a businessman. He always went out on business. And it is a rule of the Arabs to visit Syria once a year. He used to visit Syria once a year. When Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was 12 years old, he urged his uncle to go to Syria. Uncle could not do it for love and compassion. Uncle Abu Taleb took him with him. They pitched their tents at a place on the way. The place where the tabernacle was placed is called Basra. There was a priest. Her name was Buhaira. Everyone knew him as Bahira. At that time, he saw the child Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam and thought of him as a prophet.

The Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SM) was 15 years old when the battle of Fujjar began. He himself participated in this war. He was deeply distressed by the brutality of the war. But he had nothing to do. From that time he started thinking of doing something.


Hearing of Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SM) business reputation, Khadija bint Khuwaylid asked Muhammad to do business with her. Later she decided to marry Muhammad (pbuh).

Muhammad (pbuh) was 25 years old and Khadija was 40 years old at the time of marriage.

Khadija gave birth to 6 children out of which 4 were girls and 2 were boys. The names of the Prophet’s children are respectively: Qasem, Zainab, Ruqayyah, Umm Kulsum, Abdullah and Fatimah. All except Fatima died during the lifetime of the Prophet.

Pre-Prophetic Life:

An organization called Hilful Fuzul was established to suppress the violence, treachery and revenge among the Arabs. Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SM) joined it and played a major role in advancing this association. It is known from various sources that Muhammad did not have any profession in his youth. However, many have mentioned that he used to graze goats. Usually the goats he grazed were from the Bani Sa’d tribe. He used to graze the goats of various people living in Makkah for a fee of a few kirats. 

Then he started in business. Within a short period of time, Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SM) achieved great success in Ekaj. He gained so much fame that he became known as Al Amin and Al Sadiq which in Bengali means faithful and truthful respectively. He visited Syria, Basra, Bahrain and Yemen several times on business occasions. When Muhammad’s fame spread far and wide, Khadija bint Khuwaylid was informed and requested him to go on a business trip. Muhammad accepted this offer and went as far as Basra in Syria with Khadija’s goods.

Khadijah was overwhelmed by Maishara’s praise of Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SM) honesty and justice. Besides, seeing the success of the business, he was also informed about his qualifications. At one point she decided to marry Muhammad. He expressed his thoughts about marriage to his girlfriend Nafisa bint Munabihar. After listening to Nafisa, Muhammad says that he will talk to his guardians and let them know. Muhammad spoke to his uncles and consented to the marriage. Khadija was 40 and Muhammad was 25 at the time of marriage.

When Muhammad was 35 years old, there was a need to rebuild the Kaaba. The renovation of the Kaaba began due to several reasons. The old building was demolished and new construction started. Thus during the rebuilding, setbacks occurred only when the construction work up to the Hazre Aswad (Holy Black Stone) was completed.

Originally there was a dispute over which tribe would do this work. Construction work was divided among all the clans. But establishing Hazare Aswad was one’s work. A dispute broke out over who would install it, and after four or five days the dispute became so serious that it threatened to lead to murder.

In this situation, Abu Umayya Makhzoomi determined a solution that the decision of the first person to enter the Masjid Haram the next day would be accepted. The next day Muhammad entered the Kaaba first. Everyone was quite pleased with this and accepted him as a judge. And everyone had deep trust in him.

 However, given this responsibility, Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SM) made a very smooth decision. He spread a sheet and placed the Hazre Aswad on it with his own hands and called the leaders of each of the disputing clans and asked them to take the different corners of the sheet to their respective places and they did so. Then he lifted the stone and placed it in a certain place.

Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SM) pagri
Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SM)
Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SM)

Attainment of Prophethood:

At the age of forty, the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad, attained prophethood, that is, it was at this time that God sent revelations to him. The most reliable information about Prophethood is found in Az-Zuhri’s narration. According to the hadith narrated by Zuhri, the Prophet received revelation through true vision.

After reaching the age of thirty, the Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SM) often spent time in meditation in the cave of Hera near Mecca. His wife Khadija used to bring him food regularly. During one such meditation, the angel Gabriel brought to him a revelation from God. Gabriel asked him to recite this verse:

“Recite, in the name of your Lord who created. He created man from clotted blood. Recite, your Lord is the Most Merciful, who taught with the pen, taught man what he did not know.”

The Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SM) replied that he did not know how to read, whereupon Gabriel hugged him and applied great pressure and asked him to recite the same verse again. But this time too, Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SM) expressed his impotence. After pressing three times in this way, Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SM) was able to read the verse. The first group of verses of the Qur’an is revealed; The first five verses of Surah Al-Alak.

After the first descent, the Prophet was so frightened that he entered his planet trembling and asked Khadijah to cover him with a blanket. Keep saying “cover me” over and over again. Naufel calls him the last prophet. The Prophet gradually assimilated. Then wait again for the next revelation.

After a long interval the revelation came to him a second time. Now some verses of Surah Muddassir were revealed. From then on, Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SM) devoted himself to spreading Islam secretly. This Islam was a complete life changer

Life of Makkah (Propagation of Islam):

Secret Propaganda: After the revelation, the Prophet realized that in order to establish it, he would have to stand against the entire Arab society; Because the leadership at that time had no other way to spread and establish Islam except to destroy it. So first he started spreading the message of Islam secretly among his relatives and friends.

Khadijah was the first person to accept Islam at the call of Muhammad. Muhammad’s cousin and home-grown teenager Ali, who was only 10 years old when he converted to Islam, then became a Muslim. To convey the message of Islam, the Prophet held a meeting with prominent people of his lineage; No one in this meeting accepted his ideology, only one accepted Islam in this meeting, that is Ali.

The third person to accept Islam was Abu Bakr, a close friend of the Prophet. This is how he started the work of spreading Islam in the first stage. And this campaign goes on in total secrecy.

Public invitation:

After three years of secret invitation, Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SM) began to preach Islam publicly. The beginning of such a campaign was quite dramatic. The Prophet stood on the Safa mountain and called everyone together. Then publicly said that there is no god but Allah and Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SM) is the Messenger of Allah. But this made everyone furious against him and from this time conspiracies and persecutions against Islam began.

Facing opposition in Makkah:

The dissidents resorted to torture at several levels: firstly by creating an atmosphere of incitement and tension, then by propaganda, sophistry and logic. At one time the attempt to make the Islamic movement helpless started which a negative front was formed to succeed. At the same time, literary and obscene music fronts were formed, and the Quraysh even tried to compromise with Muhammad at one stage. But Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SM) did not accept it; Because the condition of compromise was to observe Islam according to his own, in that case his goal of establishing Islam would have been destroyed.

Emigration to Ethiopia:

As violence against Muslims gradually escalated, the Prophet sent a number of Muslims to migrate to Abyssinia. From there too the Quraysh tried to bring back the Muslims, although it was unsuccessful due to the then emperor of Abyssinia, Najjashi.

Acceptance of Islam by Important Persons:

Then the most important event in the history of Islam was the conversion of Umar Ibnul Khattab to Islam. The Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SM) always wanted at least one of Abu Jahal and Umar to accept Islam. His wish was fulfilled in it. Because of Omar’s special influence in Arab society, his conversion to Islam made the spread of Islam somewhat easier, although the difficult part was still considered the main one. After that, the Prophet’s uncle Hamza accepted Islam. On his conversion to Islam, Muslim supremacy in Arabia was established to some extent.

Single Room Status:

Thus, when Islam was advancing at a slow pace, the Quraish of Makkah confined and detained Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SM), may the peace and blessings of God be upon him, and his followers, including the entire tribe of Banu Hashem. They were released after three years of detention.

Year of Sorrow and Taif Gaman:

But the year after liberation was a year of sorrow for Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SM). Because in this year his wife Khadija and uncle Abu Talib died in a very short period of time. During the time of sorrow, the Prophet became very disappointed about the spread of Islam in Mecca.

Frustrated, he left Makkah and went to Taif to preach Islam (there is, of course, disagreement about the date of his visit to Taif). But while preaching Islam there, he was subjected to ultimate humiliation, anger and ridicule. Even the people of Taif threw their youth behind Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SM) (peace be upon him); They made the Prophet bleed to death with bricks and stones. But still he did not give up; He started thinking about new possibilities.

Mi’raj or Ascension:

It is at such times that some auspicious things happen. According to Islamic commentary, at this time, Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SM) went from Masjid al-Haram in Mecca to Masjid al-Aqsa in Jerusalem; This journey is known in history as Isra. It is said that he ascended in a special vehicle from Masjid al-Aqsa and attained the presence of the Almighty, besides he observed all the places of the universe including heaven and hell. This journey is known in history as Mi’raj. No time on earth is said to have passed during this entire journey.

Hijrah and Madani life in Madinah:

Then more auspicious things happened. Many people of Madinah became enthusiastic about Islam and accepted Islam. They originally came to perform Hajj and were invited to Islam. They swore to Muhammad at the place called Aqab that they would protect the Prophet at all costs and work to spread Islam. These oaths are known as the Oath of Aqaba.

It was through these oaths that an environment conducive to the establishment of Islam was created in Madinah, and once the leaders of the 12 tribes of Madinah sent a delegation to invite Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SM) (peace be upon him) to come to Madinah.

In Medina and Yathrib, from long ago until about 620 AD, there were wars between tribes and the Jews. Especially in the Battle of Buach, a lot of blood was shed as all the clans took part in the war. From this, the people of Madinah were able to understand that the principle of taking blood for blood cannot be applied anymore.

That’s why they need a leader who can unite everyone. It was with this in mind that they invited Muhammad, although many of the invitees had not yet converted to Islam. On this invitation, the Muslims migrated from Mecca to Medina. Finally Muhammad and Abu Bakr in Medina in 622 AD

Relations with the Jews of Medina:

But at this time the Jews living in Madinah appeared as a threat to the Islamic state. Originally the Jews did not believe that a non-Jew could be the last prophet. That is why they never accepted the ideals of Islam and when they realized the power of the Islamic state, they realized the need to use force against it. Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SM) (peace be upon him) attacked one Jewish tribe after each battle. After the battles of Badr and Uhud, the tribes of Banu Qainuka and Banu Nadi were expelled from Medina; And after the trench, all the Jews were expelled from Madinah.

Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SM) (may peace be upon him) mentions two reasons for this hatred of the Jews, one religious and the other political. If you think from a religious point of view, this was the punishment for not accepting the last Prophet even though he was an Ahl al-Kitab. And politically speaking, the Jews were a threat and a weak point for Medina. That is why they are expelled.

Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SM) life history wiki

Conquest of Mecca:

The ten-year Treaty of Hudaybiyah was broken after only two years. The Khuzaah tribe was the ally of the Muslims, on the other hand their enemy the Bakr tribe was the ally of the Quraish. One night Bakr clan made a surprise attack on Khuzaad.

The Quraish unjustly supported the Bakr tribe with arms in this attack. According to some accounts, some youths of Quraysh also participated in this attack. After this incident, Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SM) sent a letter to the Quraish with three conditions and asked the Quraish to accept any one of these three conditions. The conditions are three;

Quraysh will pay the blood money of the slain of the tribe of Khuza’a.

Or they will declare their alliance with the Bakr tribe void.

Or declare that the Treaty of Hudaybiyah has been abrogated and the Quraish are ready for war.

The Quraysh said that they would only accept the third condition. But the Quraysh soon realized their mistake and sent Abu Sufyan to Medina as an envoy to renew the treaty. But Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SM) rejected the Quraysh’s offer and started preparing to invade Makkah.

In 630 AD, Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SM) left for Makkah with a large army of ten thousand companions. That day was the 10th of the month of Ramadan of the eighth Hijri. Mecca was conquered fairly unopposed, except for a few scattered skirmishes, and Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SM) entered there in triumph. He announced a general amnesty for the people of Makkah.

But ten men and women were out of this pardon. They maligned Islam and Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SM) in various ways. However, some of them were later forgiven. Upon entering Mecca, Muhammad (pbuh) first visited the Kaaba and destroyed all the idols there. Most of the Meccans accepted Islam after seeing the prosperity of the Muslims and being impressed by the forgiveness of Muhammad (pbuh). This victory is specifically mentioned in the Qur’an.

Last speech:

Tenth Hijri. The month of Zilhaj. 23 years ago, the light of truth shone in Heraghuha. Today it is complete. He was sent to this world with a difficult responsibility. 23 years of hard work, struggle, immense sacrifices and sacrifices had to be accepted. It is ending today. The purpose for which he was sent as a messenger to mankind is today on its way to fulfillment. For 23 long years he formed a state. Formed a society of justice without exploitation and oppression. Built a new nation of new civilization based on Tawheed Muslim Ummah.

So the Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SM) went to Makkah for Hajj with his companions and performed Hajj. Today Labbayek Allahumma Labbayek is being resounded by millions of voices. About two and a half thousand years ago, Abraham and Ishmael stood at the place where they built the wall of the Kaaba and prayed to Allah Almighty for the formation of a Muslim Ummah. Muslims today gather at Maqam Ibrahim. 9 Zilhaj Rasulullah SAW stood in front of all the people. The Holy Prophet first praised Allah. Then he delivered his historic speech, he said, the assembled crowd

1. Today, all kinds of superstitions, blind faith and all kinds of lawlessness have been crushed under my feet.

2. Treat your slaves well. Do not mistreat them. Do not torture them. What you eat, you give them to eat. You will let them wear the clothes you wear. Remember they are human too and you are human too. They are the creation of the same God.

3. Be careful! Will treat women well. Never wrong them. Because they are stupid. Because their responsibility is on you. As you have rights over women. Women also have rights over you. Treat them with kindness and love.

4. Do not associate anyone with Allah. Because whoever associates anything with Allah has committed blasphemy.

5. Don’t do usury, bribery, bloodshed, injustice, injustice, oppression, torture. Because one Muslim is the brother of another Muslim. And Muslims are brotherhood.

6. You don’t lie. Because lies are the root cause of all sins. Because lies are dangerous.

7. don’t steal Do not commit adultery. Abstain from all kinds of impurity. Live a holy life. Be careful! Stay away from Satan. You will consider one of these actions to be very small, but Satan will destroy you through them.

8. You shall not disobey the orders of your Amir. Although the black nose is a slave. You will obey him. As long as he is on the religion of Allah.

9. Don’t exaggerate about religion. Because your forefathers perished because of this.

10. Do not glorify the clan. The curse of Allah is on the person who discredits his own clan and introduces another clan.

11. You shall worship your Lord. Will pray five times. Fasting, obeying his orders, only then you can enter Paradise.

12. You will hold fast to what I am leaving for you after me. Act on it. Then you will not fall. And that is the Qur’an of Allah and the Sunnah of the Prophet.

13. Know well that I am the last prophet and no other prophet will come after me. Today I have perfected your religion for you. All these words of mine you who have heard will convey to those who are absent.

The Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SM) finished his speech. And his countenance brightened. He looked pitifully into the sky with a pitiful voice and he said, ‘O great Lord! Oh God! Have I been able to fully reach people with your invitation to religion? Then all the people present said together, surely you have reached your deen completely. Then he said again that, ‘O Lord! Listen, be a witness, they say I have made your religion reach the people. I have done my duty.

The prophet became silent because of his expression. His face became radiant with heavenly light. At this moment the last verse of the Quran was revealed. I have fulfilled your religion on this day. I have fulfilled My blessings upon you. I chose Islam as your religion.

Hazrat Rasulullah SAW remained silent for a while. The crowd is silent. After a while Hazrat looked at the crowd and said in a pitiful solemn voice, Farewell friends, Farewell.


Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SM)
Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SM)

After returning from the Farewell Hajj, Muhammad (PBUH) contracted fever in the month of Safar in 11 Hijri. Due to the high temperature of the fever, the warmth was felt even on the top of the turban. Even when he was sick, he led prayers for eleven days. After the illness worsened, he stayed in Ayesha’s room with the permission of all the wives.

He had seven or eight dinars, which he gave away a day before his death. The illness was said to have been caused by consuming poisoned food prepared by a Jewish woman in Khyber. Finally, he died on the evening of the 1st of the month of Rabiul Awal in the year 11 Hijri. At that time he was 63 years old. Ali (RA) gave him a bath and shrouded him. He was buried in the place where he died in the room of Ayesha (ra) after the funeral.

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